Anna Sotnikova
Statistical Models of Visual Neurons
Professor Daniel Butts, Biology, UMD
Studying visual neurons may explain how a human brain performs image analysis. The main question is what mathematical function can represent the processes occurring in the brain. Nowadays there is a variety of models, which are trying to reproduce them. The estimation of precision of such models is the difference between the predicted output (firing rate) and the real experimental data. In this project we will be implementing 5 models, which predict neurons’ firing rates. The implementation of the models also requires parameters fitting, validation and testing procedures.
Presentation & Documentation
Self Intoduction [ presentation (16.09.06) ]
Proposal [ presentation (16.09.27) | documentation ]
Mid-Year [ presentation (16.12.08) | documentation ]
Status Update [ presentation (17.03.07) ]
Final [ presentation (17.05.11) | documentation ]
Code Package (Read Me)
project image
Figure Caption: (TBA)
AMSC/CMSC 663-664   2016-2017