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SODA3.6.1 download page

File structures and naming conventions are described in the readme document.

The complete set of SODA3.6.1 ocean and sea ice files on the original approximately 1/4°x1/4° displaced pole non-Mercator horizontal grid at 50 z* vertical levels, every 5-days, can be downloaded from our server using the linux wget commands:

wget -r -l1 --no-parent --progress=bar -nd -A 'soda3.6.1_5dy_ocean_*.nc'
wget -r -l1 --no-parent --progress=bar -nd -A 'soda3.6.1_5dy_ice_*.nc'

The ocean files are 1.9Gb each while the sea ice files are only 77Mb each. The same sets of files remapped onto a more convenient 1/2°x1/2° Mercator (also known as 'regular') horizontal grid at the same 50 z* vertical levels, every 5dy, can also be downloaded using the linux wget commands:.

wget -r -l1 --no-parent --progress=bar -nd -A 'soda3.6.1_5dy_ocean_reg_*.nc'
wget -r -l1 --no-parent --progress=bar -nd -A 'soda3.6.1_5dy_ice_reg_*.nc'

The individual sizes of the regridded files are reduced to: 286Mb and 15Mb.

The complete set of roughly 500 monthly average SODA3.6.1 ocean and sea ice files on the regular 1/2°x1/2° Mercator horizontal grid at 50 z* vertical levels, can be downloaded from our server using the linux wget commands:

wget -r -l1 --no-parent --progress=bar -nd -A 'soda3.6.1_mn_ocean_reg_*.nc'
wget -r -l1 --no-parent --progress=bar -nd -A 'soda3.6.1_mn_ice_reg_*.nc'

The sizes of the regridded files (per month) are the same as for the 5dy files: 286Mb and 15Mb.

The complete set of 10-day average analysis increment files on a regular 1°x1° horizontal Mercator grid for the upper 33 z* vertical levels can be downloaded from our server using the linux wget command:

wget -r -l1 --no-parent --progress=bar -nd

Each file is 25Mb.

The complete set of 10-day average volume transport files on the original approximately 1/4°x1/4° displaced pole non-Mercator horizontal grid at 50 z* vertical levels can be downloaded from our server using the linux wget command:

wget -r -l1 --no-parent --progress=bar -nd

Each file is 600Mb. Note: basin-integrated transport calculations such as evaluating AMOC should be carried out on the original grid due to the need to avoid truncation errors. A number of publications presenting time series of AMOC transport suffer from this error.