1978-2005 TIME SERIES OF MONTHLY AVERAGES OF MSU CH2 BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURES ARE BASED ON THREE PUBLISHED PAPERS: 1. Vinnikov and Grody (2003) in Science; 2. Grody et al. (2004) in JGR; 3. Vinnikov et al. (2006) in JGR. The reprints can be obtained from the "Recent publications" list in http://www.atmos.umd.edu/~kostya/ Compared to Vinnikov et al.(2006) this data is updated to December 2005. DESCRIPTION OF FILES: The ASCII files: year.ymon.global, year.yamon.global, year.yemon.global, year.ymon.zon.*, year.yamon.zon.*, year.yemon.zon.* have 13 colunms: 1 is year number, 2-13 are monthly averages in K. -999 is code of missed data year.ymon.* monthly averages, K year.yamon.* anomalies of monthly averages, K year.yemon.* time dependent expected value of monthly averages, K Time series of zonal and global averages are: year.*.zon.1 is 80S (75-82.5S) year.*.zon.2 is 70S (65-75S) ................ year.*.zon.9 is Equator (5S-5N) ................ year.*.zon.16 is 70S (65-75N) year.*.zon.17 is 80S (75-82.5N) year.*.global is Global average (-/+82.5N) File ZONAL.TRENDS.1978-2005.txt contain estimates of annual zonal and global trends, their RMSE and Standard Deviations of residuals The files: fig6.eps and fig7.eps are updated Figures 6 & 7 from Vinnikov et al. (2006). Konstantin Vinnikov and Norman Grody 9/06/2006.