Towards the Development of Global Scale Transferability of Inference Schemes for Radiative Forcing Functions under the CEOP Initiative

Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
University of Maryland, College Park

Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science




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Selected Results

The Tibetan Plateau

The Tibetan Plateau is the highest and biggest plateau of the world - "the roof of the world". The plateau is interspersed with mountain ranges and its atmospheric environment has a great influence on the regional as well as global climate. Radiative fluxes play an important role in understanding the energy budget of this complex region and its hydrological cycle. Selected results will be illustrated. Instantaneous surface shortwave downward fluxes from Meteosat-5 for selected hours on July 1, 1998 at 0.1250 resolution are shown in Figure 1; frequency of Occurrence of Convective Cloud Over the Tibetan Plateau at Selected Hours for the Peak-Monsoon Season (Jun - Sep) 2001 is shown in Figure 2; comparison of monthly mean total cloud amount (%) at 06 UTC for each month of the 2001 monsoon season for Meteosat-5, ERA-40 Reanalysis, NCEP/NCAR Re-analysis, and ISCCP for 30° N/82.5° E is shown in Figure 3.



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