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Description of "Historic Data"

Table of Contents:

File types

Monthly average: The monthly average flux is the average of daily fluxes for a month.
It is the arithmetic mean of daily averages for the non-missing days (not less than 20 days per month). [Top]


Grid structure

Each month has information for xxxx (1 by 1 degree, equal-angle) cells (xx latitudes and xxx longitudes).The topleft coner is [] , the bottom right coner is[] [Top]

File structure

All files are written unformatted with direct access. The logical record length is xxx bytes. The floating point binary data conform to the little endian specification, and were written on a DEC workstation. Here is a sample Fortran statement to open file :

      OPEN ( Unit=1, File='9606sda.m', Status='OLD', 
     &       Form='UNFORMATTED', Access='DIRECT', Recl=Lrec )       

where Lrec is the record length (444 for compilers that require bytes for Recl, or 111 for those that need words for Recl).   [Top]

Unit of measurement:

Fluxes are given in Wm-2.[Top]

Special data value

Missing data are represented by -999. [Top]




yyyy : year (two digits),
mm : month (two digits)
ppp : parameter (three characters), their values are:

sda: surface downward flux,


File size

File type Uncompressed size (bytes)
daily: xxx
monthly: xxx


Sample Fortran Read Statements

Note: The floating point binary data conform to the little endian specification, and were written on a DEC workstation.

Sample script


NOTE: Site Under Development