Collaborative Research 

Atlantic Air-Sea fluxes from satellites, their variability and analysis of ocean models
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
University of Maryland, College Park

Radiative Fluxes

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Radiative fluxes - SW

Strategy in developing information on radiative fluxes: 1) obtain information at longer time scales to match the period of heat flux estimates; 2) obtain the best available information. The following steps were taken:

1. Produce and evaluate long term estimates using historical satellite data. Used are various International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) data with updated schemes for improved treatment of aerosols.

2. Produce and evaluate shorter term estimates using observations from improved satellite systems such as MODIS on Terra and Aqua and the SEVIRI on METEOSAT-8 to establish limits on the accuracy of the historic data. The year 2004 was selected since both METEOSAT-7 (a 3 channel instrument) and METEOSAT-8 (a 12 channel instrument) were simultaneously operational. METEOSAT-7 provides the link to the long term data sets (ISCCP D1 and DX). Data from MODIS are produced for the entire 3-year period.

Radiative fluxes-LW

The longwave strategy followed the shortwave one, namely, fluxes were produced both from the ISCCP DX and MODIS observations but not from METEOSAT-8.

Mean Radiative Fluxes derived from ISCCP DX during Jan 3-Jan 9, 2005 for (a) Downward SW  (b) Downward LW


Net Radiative fluxes

Net SW and net LW data sets have been produced and total net radiative fluxes were computed and are provided at this web site.

Mean Radiative Net Fluxes derived from ISCCP DX during Jan 3-Jan 9, 2005 for (a) Net SW (b) Net LW

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Please send questions or comments to
 Chuan Li
Last Modified on 2014-03-05