First under the unix terminal: -> gunzip -> tar -xvf das.tar you will get a folder 'DAS' Directorey information truth:: the truth from nature run obs :: the observations to be assimilated, which is based on the nature run. It is the nature run plus random perturbation with the standard deviation defined in the file 'common_speedy.f90'. letkf :: the code for letkf script to run the code in the directory '/DAS/letkf':: maile code: letkf.f90 subroutine module includes: common_letkf.f90 (followed the equation of letkf) letkf_tools.f90 (the interface between model and data assimilation) utilities includes:: common_speedy.f90 common_mtx.f90 netlib.f mt19937ar.f90 Calculate the mean state tdvar :: the code for 3D-Var (by Takemasa Miyoshi) script to run the code '/DAS/tdvar':: main code:: tdvar.f90 subroutine modeul includs:: tdvar_tools.f90, which uses the minimizer in the file 'minimizelib.f90'. The results will be at '/DAS/DAS_result' The results for 3D_Var is in the folder '/DAS/DAS_result/3dvar 'anal' is the folder of analysis result 'analf' is the folder containing filtered value 'gues' is the forecast The results for LETKF is in the folder '/DAS/DAS_result/letkf 'anal' is the folder of analysis result, each folder inside represents the results from each ensemble member. 'analf' is the folder containing filtered value 'gues' is the forecast RMS error can be calculated based on the data in the 'truth' folder is an example to plot the RMS error for 3dvar