Beautiful day in Long Island, NY
Clare M. Flynn
Audubon, Pennsylvania
4339 CSS
Millersville University: BS, Environmental Chemistry
The Johns Hopkins University: MA, Earth Science
UMD: PhD Candidate, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science

Dr. Kenneth Pickering
Research Interests

My PhD research is related to an on-going NASA science mission, DISCOVER-AQ (Deriving Information on Surface conditions from Column and Vertically Resolved Observations Relevant to Air Quality). Satellite observations of trace gas species such as ozone have great potential for diagnosis of near-surface pollution conditions, but several factors currently limit the usefulness of such column observations. DISCOVER-AQ seeks to improve the interpretation of satellite observations and deepen our understanding of the relationship between column abundance and surface concentration.

My work focuses on a statistical analysis of column-density, surface mixing ratio, and vertical profile ozone (O3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) data from the July 2011 campaign of the DISCOVER-AQ project. This includes, for example, a correlation analysis of column and surface O3 and NO2, and a time series analysis of these column amounts. I will examine the processes affecting the correlation of column and surface amounts with the use of the CMAQ air quality model. DISCOVER-AQ has also been a great way to get out of the office and into the field!

Publications and Presentations

Clare M. Flynn, M. Follette-Cook, K. E. Pickering, C. Loughner, J. H. Crawford, A. Weinheimer, G. Diskin, Evaluation of Vertical Mixing in WRFChem during DISCOVER-AQ July 2011 and Impacts on Pollutant Profiles, 14th Annual CMAS Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, October 2015.

Clare M. Flynn, K. E. Pickering, J. H. Crawford, A. Weinheimer, K. L. Thornhill, C. Loughner, P. Lee, Variability of Profile Shapes for O3 and NO2 and Comparison to Modeled Profiles during the DISCOVER- AQ Project, IWAQFR, College Park, MD, September 2015.

Clare M. Flynn, K. E. Pickering, L. Lamsal, J. Herman, A. Weinheimer, G. Chen, X. Liu, C. Loughner, A. M. Thompson, Variability of O3 and NO2 Profile Shapes during DISCOVER-AQ July 2011, Presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 15-19 Dec.

Flynn, C. M., Pickering, K. E., Crawford, J. H., Lamsal, L., Krotkov, N., Herman, J., Weinheimer, A., Chen, G., Liu, X., Szykman, J., Tsay, S. C., Loughner, C. P., Hains, J., Lee, P., Dickerson, R. R., Stehr, J. W., and Brent, L. (2014), The Relationship between Column-density and Surface Mixing Ratio: Statistical Analysis of O3 and NO2 Data from the July 2011 Maryland DISCOVER-AQ Mission, Atmos. Environ., 92, pp.429-441.

Clare M. Flynn, K. E. Pickering, R. Ferrare, A. Scarino, R. Delgado, D. Martins, D. Lenschow, C. Loughner, A. M. Thompson, Comparison of observed and modeled boundary layer height estimates during DISCOVER-AQ July 2011, Abstract A43A-0205 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 9-13 Dec.

Clare M. Flynn, K. E. Pickering, R. Ferrare, R. Delgado, D. Lenschow, C. Loughner, A. M. Thompson, Comparison of observed and modeled boundary layer height estimates during DISCOVER-AQ July 2011, AQAST 5th Annual Meeting, College Park, MD, June 4, 2013.

Clare M. Flynn, K. E. Pickering, L. Lamsal, N. Krotkov, J. Herman, A. Weinheimer, G. Chen, X. Liu, J. Szykman, S. C. Tsay, C. Loughner (2012), Correlation analysis of column-density data with surface mixing ratios for O3 and NO2 during DISCOVER-AQ, Abstract A12B-03 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec.

Clare M. Flynn, K. E. Pickering, L. Lamsal, N. Krotkov, J. Herman, A. Weinheimer, G. Chen, X. Liu, J. Szykman, S. C. Tsay, Correlation analysis of column-density data with surface mixing ratios for O3 and NO2 during DISCOVER-AQ, EOS Aura Science Team Meeting, Pasadena, CA, October 2, 2012.

Clare M. Flynn, K. E. Pickering, P. Lee, Y. Tang, A. Weinheimer, R. Cohen, J. Szykman, G. Chen, L. Lamsal, J. Herman, X. Liu, Correlation analysis of column-density data with surface mixing ratios for O3 and NO2 during DISCOVER-AQ, 43rd Middle Atlantic Regional ACS Meeting, Baltimore, MD, June 1, 2012.

Clare M. Flynn, K. E. Pickering, P. Lee, Y. Tang, A. Weinheimer, R. Cohen, J. Szykman, G. Chen, L. Lamsal, J. Herman, X. Liu, Correlation analysis of column-density data with surface mixing ratios for O3 and NO2 during DISCOVER-AQ, 15th Annual Environmental Chemistry Student Symposium, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, March 30, 2012.

C. Flynn, K. E. Pickering, P. Lee, Y. Tang, A. Weinheimer, R. Cohen, and J. Szykman, Correlation analysis of column-integrated P-3B data with surface mixing ratio for in situ observations and model for O3 and NO2, IWAQFR, Potomac, MD, November 2011.

Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science | 3424 CSS Building | University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742